Many of us know that to be successful in social media you need 3 things:
1) Quality audiovisual content.
2) Cause a sensation: inspire, move, surprise, inform or entertain.
3) Use the right hashtags!
Let's talk about them:
We've known about hashtags since the beginning of Instagram several years ago, but do we really know how to use them to our advantage?

Maybe not? In this blog, learn HOW to use them, and what to do and NOT to do.
- Don't make hashtags too long like #NotInterestingToTheAlgorithmEvenIfYouThinkItsFunny.
- Don't use more than 7 or 8: Instagram now allows you to use up to 30, but really? Using so many may draw attention away from the content of the post. You can use more in a Story if you hide them, but still only use up to 10, as we have seen in this blog post.
- Don't use meaningless hashtags - your goal is to get noticed in the market. Save your puns and afterthoughts for the captions!
- Do not use banned hashtags, for example #beautyblogger or #iphone. These hashtags have been reported by users or are blocked for misuse. Be careful!
- Don't get carried away relying on apps to find the right hashtags. It's like going to a nutritionist and starting on a diet that’s actually meant for someone else’s body!

Instead, DO this:
- Use short hashtags and do it #LikeThis for a better reading experience. Instagram will track them #likethis but it's a better way of showing them.
- Choose 8 hashtags carefully. Start from the most popular one that represents your brand, and end with the one that represents your brand the least.
Do you want to know how to find them? Apps can help you, but the best way is to do it organically:
a) Make a list of keywords that represent your business or your audience. For example, in our case #ContentCreators and general ones like: #Onescreener (your brand is a hashtag!) #MonetizationLinks #Influencer #Influencers #InfluencerLife #InfluencerStyle #InfluencerMarketing

b) Using Instagram’s search engine, search for each word in this list and see which variables of that word have the most views. You can change it if necessary; sometimes one letter can make a big difference in views (people who use, follow, search or see that hashtag).
- Try to find new hashtags for your captions and use no more than 3 because #we wouldn't want your #caption to be a salad of #hashed words.
And that's it, friend!
Now you know that hashtags aren’t just decorative. Use them correctly and take them seriously, and you will be surprised by the results.
Try it!